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2024-05-16 18:46| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

1、As long as the green hills are there, one need not worry about firewood.留得青山在,不愁没柴烧。

2、Gene: he was as cool as a cucumber. He even told the waiter not to worry about it.吉恩:他非常冷静,甚至还叫那个服务员不要担心。

3、Don't worry about my health.不要为我的身体担忧。

4、However, Mr Sheridan says the main worry is right back at the start of the supply chain.但薛瑞登先生说,主要的担忧还是在于供应链前端。

5、Students should not worry about when exactly to use certain expressions.学生不必担心什么时候使用某些特定的表达。

6、If I were you, I would not worry about that at all.如果我是你的话,我是不会担心的。

7、Calm down, there's nothing to worry about.冷静点儿, 没有什么好担心的。

8、Paul: At least you don't have to worry about getting sunburned.保罗:至少你不用担心会被晒伤。

9、Never worry about the size of your Christmas tree.永远不要担心你的圣诞树的尺寸。

10、Some worry about the burden on authors.有人担心这对作者造成的负担。

11、Perhaps the biggest worry for the ITF is that technological changes prove pernicious.ITF最大的担忧恐怕是:事实证明,技术带来的改变是有坏处的。

12、Many economists worry that living standards for the non-elite will stagnate for a long time.多数经济学家担心,非精英人群的生活标准会在很长一段时间内不得提高。

13、Others worry that the Brothers would rescind the peace treaty with Israel.另外有些人担心兄弟会掌权会废除与以色列的和平协定。

14、"Don't you worry about any of this," she said patting me on the knee.“不要为这事操什么心了,”她说道,轻轻拍了拍我的膝盖。

15、It's just a mosquito bite. There's nothing to worry about.这只是蚊虫咬伤,没有什么可担心的。

16、I used to worry a lot about personality and that sort of egotism.我过去常为个性以及那种自负担忧不已。

17、Don’t worry Just keep a stiff upper lip别担心,要保持沉着。

18、Q: I have an active social and business life, and I worry about repeating outfits.问:我需要参加社交和商务活动,但担心衣服重样。

19、Hominid their children, not to worry maid abuse, neglect of school discipline.原始人自己带孩子,不用担佣人虐待、学校疏于管教。

20、They worry about whether a real estate bubble has formed. ("Do you think we've overbuilt?他们担心房地产泡沫是否已经形成。“你认为现在住房是不是供大于求了?”

21、Visitors often balk at being approached so baldly and worry that the encounter could be a scam.碰到如此坦率的接近举动,许多游客都有所犹豫,担心这可能是一个骗局。

22、In fact, if Grant Thornton is right, the country has little to worry about.实际上,如果格兰特·桑顿是对的,那么南非就没什么可担心的。

23、Shareholders worry that these losses will continue to eat away at the Banks' reserves.股东们担心他们的损失将继续吞噬他们的银行储蓄。

24、I wouldn't worry about it.我不会为此发愁。

25、They no longer worry about the homogenization of culture.他们不不再担心文化的同质化。

26、Parents worry about the possibility.父母对该可能性感到担忧。

27、You've got nothing to worry about.你没什么好担心的。

28、released stress and worry often with regular simple rejuvenation tips经常用简单而有规律的恢复青春的方法去释放压力和担忧

29、This exodus is a source of increasing worry for the Kremlin.人口的大批离去,越来越让克林姆林宫担忧。

30、A bigger worry for Mrs Merkel may be the rift within Europe over the fate of the euro.更令默克尔感到担忧的,或许还是欧洲内部围绕欧元命运所产生的意见分歧。

worry翻译n. 担心, 烦恼, 忧虑, 苦恼, 撕咬vt. 使烦恼, 使焦虑, 使苦恼, 困扰, 折磨, 撕咬vi. 烦恼, 担心, 撕咬相关词组: worry sb for sth worry sb to 详情




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